
roadblock we've run into

Oh hey. You read my post <3. The Norushen orbs are the only real numbers roadblock we've run into. Part of our problem was also trying to 4-heal it like we had for Immerseus and Fallen Protectors. The first half of wing 1 is just unique in that additional Healers are functionally dps at the end of the Immerseus fight, and they make the berserk-less Protectors nearly trivial.
or wow
We've hit a roadblock of sorts at every boss, due to simply having a very inexperienced and sometimes lazy team. We have fun, though. Most of the time. Stuck on Galakras at the moment. May need to make some hard cuts to deal with our dps issues, which is (I suppose) against the spirit of Flex, but we just can't carry our 70k Shaman during progression :(

