I wouldn't dare step on the arenas with that combination of eternal resolve glyph+soul link. it's the same as serving my head on a silver plate for all classes with interrupts and mild bursts, that can literally keep you stunned/silenced/school locked/overall vegetative while they zerg your life. Oh Hi Rogues, didn't see you sneaking on my back.
I do admit that most shadow priests that I've faced in PVP are way less threatening than they were in the beginning of MoP, but that is more related to all the other nerfs to their utilities and instant casts than their 'survivability' and passive reductions.
There will be bugs
You must be new.
There will be bugs.
World of Warcraft Gold
Every patch, small or large, has been proceeded by hotfixes, extra downtime, etc.. You can find all the whining on the forums about the extended maintenance. Sure, some of those hotfixes are balance issues, but there are always bugs that slipped through to the final release. It happens.
I'm just really hoping that after these initial realms are connected and tested, that they will feel more comfortable with the process to release a larger number at a time. This is pretty much what they said they were going to do, but CR has been a very vague subject. Until this thread creation, there had been no updates for 2 weeks. Some players have already walked away.
There will be bugs.
World of Warcraft Gold
Every patch, small or large, has been proceeded by hotfixes, extra downtime, etc.. You can find all the whining on the forums about the extended maintenance. Sure, some of those hotfixes are balance issues, but there are always bugs that slipped through to the final release. It happens.
I'm just really hoping that after these initial realms are connected and tested, that they will feel more comfortable with the process to release a larger number at a time. This is pretty much what they said they were going to do, but CR has been a very vague subject. Until this thread creation, there had been no updates for 2 weeks. Some players have already walked away.
roadblock we've run into
Oh hey. You read my post <3. The Norushen orbs are the only real numbers roadblock we've run into. Part of our problem was also trying to 4-heal it like we had for Immerseus and Fallen Protectors. The first half of wing 1 is just unique in that additional Healers are functionally dps at the end of the Immerseus fight, and they make the berserk-less Protectors nearly trivial.
or wow
We've hit a roadblock of sorts at every boss, due to simply having a very inexperienced and sometimes lazy team. We have fun, though. Most of the time. Stuck on Galakras at the moment. May need to make some hard cuts to deal with our dps issues, which is (I suppose) against the spirit of Flex, but we just can't carry our 70k Shaman during progression :(
or wow
We've hit a roadblock of sorts at every boss, due to simply having a very inexperienced and sometimes lazy team. We have fun, though. Most of the time. Stuck on Galakras at the moment. May need to make some hard cuts to deal with our dps issues, which is (I suppose) against the spirit of Flex, but we just can't carry our 70k Shaman during progression :(
Joke solution is joke solution
Joke solution is joke solution. That's the real take away from everything Blizzard has done to address server population issues. You look at the realms being merged and it's funny, none of them get to a quarter of the population of one of the mega realms.wow po
Free server transfers and free faction changes with a cool down have been the real solution. It's the best way to address these issues and let players attempt to sort out where they want to go. The idea players are stuck on servers they picked almost a decade ago, unless they pay, is absurd. It's time Blizzard showed it cared about it's customers and threw them some kinda of bone.
Blizzard you treat your customers bad, they are bound to show you no loyalty back. It's time for you to show them you do care about their playing experience. Free server transfers and faction changes, once per toon for free per year. It's the solution to this mess.
Free server transfers and free faction changes with a cool down have been the real solution. It's the best way to address these issues and let players attempt to sort out where they want to go. The idea players are stuck on servers they picked almost a decade ago, unless they pay, is absurd. It's time Blizzard showed it cared about it's customers and threw them some kinda of bone.
Blizzard you treat your customers bad, they are bound to show you no loyalty back. It's time for you to show them you do care about their playing experience. Free server transfers and faction changes, once per toon for free per year. It's the solution to this mess.
I will admit do some anticipated rage
I will admit do some anticipated rage if the names are all screwed up. I don't mind waiting, even for quite some time, for them to finalize the connections, test, and then address it. But if they have no intention of addressing it at all, well that skews my perception, leading me to believe that there is a lack of support for the RP community.
wow or
I'll go check it out. Perhaps it's not as intrusive as I'm thinking. I doubt it, but I hate to waste time upset about something that isn't how I think it is. :)
wow or
I'll go check it out. Perhaps it's not as intrusive as I'm thinking. I doubt it, but I hate to waste time upset about something that isn't how I think it is. :)
Here's a horror story for you
Here's a horror story for you. Well, not very horrific, but more odd than anything. I had once earned this sunflower once long ago, after two tries. I used to pop it out any time I was in a group.
One day, in mid to late Cataclysm, it disappeared. I looked on all of my characters, but found no Singing Sunflower. I can only assume Deathwing killed my wonderful monstrosity. DEATHWING!!!po wow
(True story)
One day, in mid to late Cataclysm, it disappeared. I looked on all of my characters, but found no Singing Sunflower. I can only assume Deathwing killed my wonderful monstrosity. DEATHWING!!!po wow
(True story)
If you need to get sold on the new models
If you need to get sold on the new models, all you have to do is see the old and the new side by side.
It really is "No contest" at that point.
Apologies for the low fidelity, this was taken with a three year old cell phone that doesn't have the best camera in the world. Even so, the difference is like night and day.
acheter wow po
That said, one thing that I would rate as close to essential, especially for those on RP servers, is the ability to activate the various facial expressions and "emote animations" via slash commands.
It really is "No contest" at that point.
Apologies for the low fidelity, this was taken with a three year old cell phone that doesn't have the best camera in the world. Even so, the difference is like night and day.
acheter wow po
That said, one thing that I would rate as close to essential, especially for those on RP servers, is the ability to activate the various facial expressions and "emote animations" via slash commands.
I'm glad the 10 vs 25m debates will end
I'm glad the 10 vs 25m debates will end in the next expansion. It's been an exhausting experience of wading through flamewar threads with little to no constructive criticism. One raid size is the best thing for the game imo. It gets me excited to want to raid again with a guild. I'm just wondering why not just have 20 across the board for all raids? Or are you leaving the raids outside of mythical as is for a transitional period? Or is mythical gonna be exclusive just to 20m? acheter wow gold
correct me if im wrong..someone
correct me if im wrong..someone...
World of Warcraft(EUR)
but theyre not getting rid of outland.. youre going BACK in time, to when outland was draenor. outland will still exist. you cant just X out an entire expansion of leveling and say oops. sorry bout you 60-70s.
outland and draenor will exist side by side, in that draenor will be within a time portal to the before. not to mention, that though there are 2 zones that share a same name. it is not the same map. since its a landmass floating in the nether, the zone has changed over time to what was now outland. the map isnt going to be verbatim what the outland map was now. a simple overlay of the two would reveal that.
World of Warcraft(EUR)
but theyre not getting rid of outland.. youre going BACK in time, to when outland was draenor. outland will still exist. you cant just X out an entire expansion of leveling and say oops. sorry bout you 60-70s.
outland and draenor will exist side by side, in that draenor will be within a time portal to the before. not to mention, that though there are 2 zones that share a same name. it is not the same map. since its a landmass floating in the nether, the zone has changed over time to what was now outland. the map isnt going to be verbatim what the outland map was now. a simple overlay of the two would reveal that.
actually you can min/max and still be individual
actually you can min/max and still be individual for example healing priests have a few different build paths all of which are viable and all of which have strengths and weaknesses sure for many specs there is really only 1 or 2 viable stat builds but if i want to go straight mastery as a ret paladin and do less dps but see bigger numbers should i be allowed to do so? or if i want to cast really really fast on my lock but mastery is better shouldn't i be allowed to play how i want to rather than how blizzard thinks i should? (something they wont be 100% right about all the time) wow gold
ty week first brian griffin
WoW what a !@#$ty week first brian griffin dies now ghostcrawler is leaving blizzard we all had our dislikes about him but in general he was and still is a great guy, wish I couldve met you in real life but nonetheless good luck in your future endeavors my friend!
Ps: thanks a lot about the holy priest thing now my wife wants to know what realm your on so she can bug you for tips
Pps: if you're going to work on everquest next give us a sign!!!!
Ps: thanks a lot about the holy priest thing now my wife wants to know what realm your on so she can bug you for tips
Pps: if you're going to work on everquest next give us a sign!!!!
maybe connect the dead ones together
Yes please connect some of the R/P servers, some of us, (like The Scryers) are listed as medium and it is a LIE we are D E AD ....
Can we please not get forgotten, others like MG and WRA are populated, we are not, so please maybe connect the dead ones together ???
Can we please not get forgotten, others like MG and WRA are populated, we are not, so please maybe connect the dead ones together ???
It isn't but only because certain
It isn't, but only because certain players step up and do the jobs. What would Immerseus be like if all the adds hit the boss every time? What would Protectors be like if everyone just attacked a random boss? What would Sha be like if both the tanks got MC'd every pull? What would Galakras be like if no one did towers? I know these seem Strawman, but the only reason LFR succeeds is because a few people end up yelling out instructions prior to or during the run. It should not be their responsibility to have to do that. There should not be an expectation that SOMEONE is in the raid to organize everyone. wow po
couldn't find the item ID for this TCG item
*couldn't find the item ID for this TCG item
From the screenshot we see that there are currently 132 items that they have lined up for the Toy Box. There are potentially 22 toy items here (once again, depending if they'll want you to have to keep Hearthstone-like items in your bag). That's nearly 17% of the Toy Box being just TCG items.
wow gold fr
I would definately get them while I could!
From the screenshot we see that there are currently 132 items that they have lined up for the Toy Box. There are potentially 22 toy items here (once again, depending if they'll want you to have to keep Hearthstone-like items in your bag). That's nearly 17% of the Toy Box being just TCG items.
wow gold fr
I would definately get them while I could!
I hope this doesn't get lost in the noise
I hope this doesn't get lost in the noise, but a lot of trinkets should be turned into toys, especially since many of them are quite useless either immediately upon looting, or leveling beyond them.
po world of Warcraft
Number one i'm thinking of is Rainbow generator :D
po world of Warcraft
Number one i'm thinking of is Rainbow generator :D
If they are asking questions in or world of Warcraft
I do. If they are asking questions in /trade I usually whisper them an answer if I have it. Sometimes it's me who got trolled though. I just /ignore those guys.
or world of Warcraft
I'll say "check out x site" if it's something complicated, and say why x site is good.
I'm not going to say "google/wowhead it" when it's winter veil and a level 12 in IF is asking where to get cookies for the quest. I'll whisper the answer to him.
The same thing happens on the forum here though, OP. Someone can ask a question and he gets his game progression/achievements/armory trolled.
or world of Warcraft
I'll say "check out x site" if it's something complicated, and say why x site is good.
I'm not going to say "google/wowhead it" when it's winter veil and a level 12 in IF is asking where to get cookies for the quest. I'll whisper the answer to him.
The same thing happens on the forum here though, OP. Someone can ask a question and he gets his game progression/achievements/armory trolled.
I would sure love to hear what could possibly
I would sure love to hear what could possibly be wrong with the ideas behind post #46. It's so simple, yet all i am hearing lore is designs' idea of squishing it all back together World of Warcraft Gold again. Then you are at the same place as before, pve'ers whining about pvp geard's in raids and pvp'ers likely smashing faces of pve'ers in the pvp situations. Or vice versa.
In your iterations you would have both styles wearing all sorts of gear and it making no difference. So much for accomplishments in game to get specific type gear.
In your iterations you would have both styles wearing all sorts of gear and it making no difference. So much for accomplishments in game to get specific type gear.
have any hair or nail clippings of him/her
Soooo who is this Celestalon. Do I have enough wax for the figurine and does anyone have any hair or nail clippings of him/her.
On a serious note. I don't think I want to watch a bunch of office guys wrestling over whether world of Warcraft po a piece of art makes it past the scribble pad or have a close up of some bored guy doing spreadsheets picking his nose.
I saw you! I did too! You know who you are!!
Send me the world boss mounts and I'll erase the name plate on your desk :P
On a serious note. I don't think I want to watch a bunch of office guys wrestling over whether world of Warcraft po a piece of art makes it past the scribble pad or have a close up of some bored guy doing spreadsheets picking his nose.
I saw you! I did too! You know who you are!!
Send me the world boss mounts and I'll erase the name plate on your desk :P
Whether or not Blizzard SHOULD ban addons
Whether or not Blizzard SHOULD ban addons that provide information you would otherwise overlook is beside the point. Addons that automate gameplay already ARE banned, and players who acheter wow gold use them should be banned as well. There is a huge difference between displaying information (all of which is visible to an observant eye) and automatically responding to that information instantly.
And ui addons...primarily also display information in a different format than the Blizzard ui.
And ui addons...primarily also display information in a different format than the Blizzard ui.
Battle fatigue will go up as well
Battle fatigue will go up as well. Heroic gear will still be better, but the gap will but much, much less and PvPers wow gold can probably just wear their PvP gear (and legendary cloaks) to cruise around in the world unless they already have better PvE gear to wear for whatever reason.
All in a decent stop-gap.
Bearing in mind it will take a few months for everyone to get full prideful.
All in a decent stop-gap.
Bearing in mind it will take a few months for everyone to get full prideful.
Why is bringing new life into the game
Why is bringing new life into the game, and allowing older players a chance to play a class that they had written off because of the time sink, a bad thing?
wow gold fr
All that this means is that there will be more people for PVP, Dungeons and RAIDS. That is the only impact that this will have on the game. The impact it has on your butt hurt is of no consequence.
wow gold fr
All that this means is that there will be more people for PVP, Dungeons and RAIDS. That is the only impact that this will have on the game. The impact it has on your butt hurt is of no consequence.
If my options were to either
I would argue that the whole "Ordos" thing about ganking your own faction is plenty fun, don't lie to yourself.
You can't just take the reason you find something fun and apply it to everyone...doesn't work. If my options were to either
or world of Warcraft
1. wait 10 minutes to fight the alliance in a random BG
2. fight anyone and wait for 2-3 minutes...
#2 by a landslide. I don't even bother queing at this point because the wait can be so bad. What is the opportunity cost of keeping this rigid A vs H alive?
You can't just take the reason you find something fun and apply it to everyone...doesn't work. If my options were to either
or world of Warcraft
1. wait 10 minutes to fight the alliance in a random BG
2. fight anyone and wait for 2-3 minutes...
#2 by a landslide. I don't even bother queing at this point because the wait can be so bad. What is the opportunity cost of keeping this rigid A vs H alive?
There are a lot of things that lead to variations
There are a lot of things that lead to variations between classes - some shine in some situations, others shine in others. Thok, for example - the interrupt mechanic is less of a bother for some specs than others, but that's just one fight, so it's not a huge deal. There are specs that are better or worse on Blackfuse's belt, specs that are great for dealing with Engineers on Garrosh and specs that are bad at it, and so on and so on.
po world of Warcraft
All of that is well and good, and should be preserved.
However, movement is not a niche. It comes up on most every fight. Being able to deal with momvent is as essential a part of the toolkit as AoE. If some specs can do it and others can't, it's not that you just adjust for one fight - it's something you have to adjust for over the long term, because it's going to come up again and again.
If they put much less movement in fights, that would also work -- but that would also lead to a more boring game.
po world of Warcraft
All of that is well and good, and should be preserved.
However, movement is not a niche. It comes up on most every fight. Being able to deal with momvent is as essential a part of the toolkit as AoE. If some specs can do it and others can't, it's not that you just adjust for one fight - it's something you have to adjust for over the long term, because it's going to come up again and again.
If they put much less movement in fights, that would also work -- but that would also lead to a more boring game.
In reality it does seem kinda of pointless to remove them
In reality it does seem kinda of pointless to remove them.
you can always use the scale down technology to keep them competitive.
world of Warcraft po
Also.. the fact you have to rely on crap like invisibility potions.. kinda makes them /derp
Why couldn't you remove stuff like Timeless Isle
you can always use the scale down technology to keep them competitive.
world of Warcraft po
Also.. the fact you have to rely on crap like invisibility potions.. kinda makes them /derp
Why couldn't you remove stuff like Timeless Isle
token of good will and customer appreciation
nvm. Armory just hasn't updated, as usual. I'm all good! Thanks Ry.
e: But if you're actually giving away a mount as a conciliatory gesture, as a token of good will and customer appreciation, I'll take one, any one - I'm at 199 mounts for the achievement! Old raid and dungeon mounts have refused to drop for over 8 years (unless I don't know it's there). I could buy that big fat yak but 100k...eep. Wait, I think I'm missing that other golden lotus chicken...k, nvm again.world of Warcraft po
e2: Well pooh, achievement said 199, bought the crane and still says 199. It's rigged!!
/grumble - back to mount drop runs
e3: logged on to a char with a class mount and got my achievement. So all done for now. Hope Warlords has a new achievement! Thanks again.
e: But if you're actually giving away a mount as a conciliatory gesture, as a token of good will and customer appreciation, I'll take one, any one - I'm at 199 mounts for the achievement! Old raid and dungeon mounts have refused to drop for over 8 years (unless I don't know it's there). I could buy that big fat yak but 100k...eep. Wait, I think I'm missing that other golden lotus chicken...k, nvm again.world of Warcraft po
e2: Well pooh, achievement said 199, bought the crane and still says 199. It's rigged!!
/grumble - back to mount drop runs
e3: logged on to a char with a class mount and got my achievement. So all done for now. Hope Warlords has a new achievement! Thanks again.
I appreciate you're not outright dismissing
I appreciate you're not outright dismissing it and that it's not as simple as rolling back the clocks :)
World of Warcraft Gold
That said however this 'something new' is something quite scary to me. Out of all the new battlegrounds, I think I enjoy Twin Peaks and at a stretch Temple of Kotmogu if played rarely. Do we really need new battlegrounds when the ones we have right now aren't as fun as they could be? When they need work? In my opinion, no, we don't need any more 10 minute maps that aren't even enjoyable.
I've never once seen anyone asking to bring back Zul'Gurub, Zul'Aman, Scholomance, Deadmines or any of the revamped dungeons or raids. Those still happened. Whether for better or for worse that's not for me to decide, but again never seen someone asking to bring those back.
World of Warcraft Gold
That said however this 'something new' is something quite scary to me. Out of all the new battlegrounds, I think I enjoy Twin Peaks and at a stretch Temple of Kotmogu if played rarely. Do we really need new battlegrounds when the ones we have right now aren't as fun as they could be? When they need work? In my opinion, no, we don't need any more 10 minute maps that aren't even enjoyable.
I've never once seen anyone asking to bring back Zul'Gurub, Zul'Aman, Scholomance, Deadmines or any of the revamped dungeons or raids. Those still happened. Whether for better or for worse that's not for me to decide, but again never seen someone asking to bring those back.
You're missing the point
You're missing the point, by confusing complex with complicated, and deep with numerous. It's possible to make the game more deep and complex, while, or by, removing surface numerousness. Complexity has much more to do with the balance and relationship between the extant choices, than it does with the simple number of said choices.or wow At some point, as you increase that number, the added difficulty in balancing between the larger number of choices is likely to decrease the resultant complexity. You're looking for that sweet spot, where you have chess, and not tic tac toe on the 'fewer relevant choices' side, or some overly complicated WW2 simulation board game on the "too many choices and rules" side, either of which is much more shallow than chess, despite one being simpler and one being more complicated.
my pally did SoO LFR first boss
RNG....my pally did SoO LFR first boss to last boss once and got 4 tier tokens. On top of that the celestial kill the next tuesday dropped both tier pieces. Done with this toon.
wow po
RNG...my hunter queues for SoO LFR first time. Second boss drops the bow.
I guess they knew I wouldn't run that content again on these toons.
RNg...third Huolon kill dropped the mount.
I know people who haven't even seen any of these drops running the content since start of 5.4. It's no fun to be dependant on luck.
wow po
RNG...my hunter queues for SoO LFR first time. Second boss drops the bow.
I guess they knew I wouldn't run that content again on these toons.
RNg...third Huolon kill dropped the mount.
I know people who haven't even seen any of these drops running the content since start of 5.4. It's no fun to be dependant on luck.
falling and resto druids will be just fine
Oh please, we got off damn easy if it's just wild growth being affected. Also this is a direct PvE nerf, it has nothing to do with PvP. While I don't think adding a wow or cast time to wild growth makes it more interesting, the sky is not falling and resto druids will be just fine.
As for saving people on Sha with wild growth (a spell never designed to "save" people), you're doing it wrong, try blowing your mushroom up just after Swelling Pride, it costs a lot less and is a much more effective heal in that situation.
As for saving people on Sha with wild growth (a spell never designed to "save" people), you're doing it wrong, try blowing your mushroom up just after Swelling Pride, it costs a lot less and is a much more effective heal in that situation.
i think the challenge should be po wow
i think the challenge should be "do not use pets that are hard counters." example: flyer with mechanical damage vs a beast with beast damage. to challenge people, it should be to find a pet team that only has one or the other counter (takes less damage from or does more damage to) or no counter at all; like this: don't use a pet with any mechanical abilities, don't use a pet from the flying family.
po wow
and subsequently, a lot of the tamers, as you get into higher levels, will have so many combinations of abilities and families that you're going to need to write a book to explain how each fight should go, and so, which pets should or should not be used on them.
po wow
and subsequently, a lot of the tamers, as you get into higher levels, will have so many combinations of abilities and families that you're going to need to write a book to explain how each fight should go, and so, which pets should or should not be used on them.
be returning in Warlords?
Will Spells/Abilities that were retired previously (i.e. Flame Orb, Eyes of the Beast, Paladin Auras, etc) be returning in Warlords?
What will the ultimate objective of the new PvP Island involve?
acheter wow po
Will the Succubus minion actually be useful in more areas than a single CC?
How often do you feed Crithto? Four or five times a day, right?
On average, about how many spells/abilities will merge together for each class with Warlords?
What will the ultimate objective of the new PvP Island involve?
acheter wow po
Will the Succubus minion actually be useful in more areas than a single CC?
How often do you feed Crithto? Four or five times a day, right?
On average, about how many spells/abilities will merge together for each class with Warlords?
Level 90 boost, follower iLevel, world bosses
Does anyone else still have a level 90 boost lying around? I haven't
been able to figure out what to do with the one I got through my
Warlords purchase, so it's just been sitting there. Right now I'm torn
between using it on my Monk (the only tanking class acheter wow gold I don't have at
least a 90 of) and my Shaman (one of the only DPS classes that has
intrigued me enough to get past level 20 that I don't have maxed yet -
I'm also considering healing). Any thots?
Patch 6.1 PTR realms are up
The patch 6.1 PTR realms are now live, but without any level 100 characters there isn't much to test yet. All PTR realms are still locked to Mists of Pandaria and there is currently no ETA for when they'll be upgraded to Warlords of Draenor. Character copy World of Warcraft(EUR) is disabled, but you can make pre-made level 90 toons.
One of the few things available for testing is the new heirloom interface. Once you own a heirloom, it's a simple matter of clicking it in your heirloom tab to create a copy of the item in your bags. You can buy heirlooms and upgrade tokens from Estelle Gendry (Undercity) and Krom Stoutarm (Ironforge). Base level heirlooms scale from 1-60 and can be upgraded twice to level 85 and level 100. See here for a full list of the heirlooms available.
For more details on the status of the PTR realms, check the blue post after the break.
One of the few things available for testing is the new heirloom interface. Once you own a heirloom, it's a simple matter of clicking it in your heirloom tab to create a copy of the item in your bags. You can buy heirlooms and upgrade tokens from Estelle Gendry (Undercity) and Krom Stoutarm (Ironforge). Base level heirlooms scale from 1-60 and can be upgraded twice to level 85 and level 100. See here for a full list of the heirlooms available.
For more details on the status of the PTR realms, check the blue post after the break.
this particular topic right now
Part of what the CMs do (the forums are not the bulk of what they do) is talk about what we're talking about. Individual posts perhaps, but more likely "hey there's quite wow gold a bit of discussion about this particular topic right now."
And, as Crithto stated, constructive commentary is far more useful (and likely to be passed on) than ranting.
Don't rant. Discuss. Like rational human beings. Or gnomes.
And, as Crithto stated, constructive commentary is far more useful (and likely to be passed on) than ranting.
Don't rant. Discuss. Like rational human beings. Or gnomes.
I like the people who come into euwowgold
I like the people who come into euwowgold our trade channel on level 1 toons asking for a level 90 to add them to battletag and invite them to group so they can come to our realm to hunt rares. I just immediately ride out and kill the rares..
If someone chose to play on a high pop realm, then they need to deal with the competition on a high pop realm.
If someone chose to play on a high pop realm, then they need to deal with the competition on a high pop realm.
An ode to old faces
In recent years, I've stated often that Blizzard didn't pull from the established stable of World of Warcraft characters nearly often enough. They focused primarily on characters from http://www.euwowgold.fr/ the Warcraft
RTS games and, beyond that, only on the few new characters they've
selected as "faction leaders." I've always felt that players rarely had
real attachment to those characters. The faction leaders often played a
part in a narrative outside of the player character; they had their own
things happen wherein the player often played a small part, if any part
at all. Players become more attached to the characters that play a role
in gameplay -- memorable faces and personalities that are a part of the
leveling process, ranging from questgivers to vendors. Though there are a
few notable exceptions, those familiar faces never returned, with each
expansion bringing in a whole new cast rather than utilizing the rich
pre-existing world.
I have to give credit where it's due: Warlords of Draenor changed that. While yes, it does commit the same sin of reusing RTS characters for the umpteenth time (and in the most egregious way yet), it's also the first expansion that has pulled from the little people of World of Warcraft's history. Familiar faces from all corners of Azeroth make appearances, some in big ways and some in small, and that is what has driven me to invest in the world of Warlords of Draenor, not the return of the orcish warlords. Let's look at some examples, shall we?
I have to give credit where it's due: Warlords of Draenor changed that. While yes, it does commit the same sin of reusing RTS characters for the umpteenth time (and in the most egregious way yet), it's also the first expansion that has pulled from the little people of World of Warcraft's history. Familiar faces from all corners of Azeroth make appearances, some in big ways and some in small, and that is what has driven me to invest in the world of Warlords of Draenor, not the return of the orcish warlords. Let's look at some examples, shall we?
I just had a random thought
I just had a random thought, what if they got rid of server types beyond some having an RP flag. You could level on any server as pvp or pve, when flagged, you are CRZ'ed with flagged people, when unflagged, you'd be out in the world with the unflagged people.
They could then give gathering while pvp flagged a small chance at an extra herb/ore/skin (like the www.euwowgold.fr guild perk), but the gathering buff would only be applied if you have not been on a flying mount for at least a minute. Maybe like 2% extra exp and rep while questing & killing mobs too.
So gankers get their own little playground with plenty of lowbies who are after those little perks. It would also mean that people who only play on PVP servers to play with friends would at least be able to quest in peace when their friends aren't on.
Anyways, it's just something I thought of while reading this thread, so I don't know if it'd be a good idea or not.
They could then give gathering while pvp flagged a small chance at an extra herb/ore/skin (like the www.euwowgold.fr guild perk), but the gathering buff would only be applied if you have not been on a flying mount for at least a minute. Maybe like 2% extra exp and rep while questing & killing mobs too.
So gankers get their own little playground with plenty of lowbies who are after those little perks. It would also mean that people who only play on PVP servers to play with friends would at least be able to quest in peace when their friends aren't on.
Anyways, it's just something I thought of while reading this thread, so I don't know if it'd be a good idea or not.
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