
you can have quick and instant travel

Portals are removed as we don't want you to have your hearth in an old city from an expansion you've outgrown just so you can have quick and instant travel anywhere you like. Those expansions had content that was far removed from things like auction houses and class trainers, and thus, contained portals. They were removed from those things because we didn't want the expansion content (which would hold the bulk of the playerbase) to in turn also remove them from the classic Azeroth world. wow po That's no longer the case. Cataclysm has content near your faction capitals, which have auction houses and class trainers.

And for new characters leveling, who will eventually hit Shattrath and Dalaran, they now have auction houses and class trainers in place of portals.

As soon as you can fly in Azeroth this really does cease to be an issue. It will not be much different than flying from Borean Tundra to Ulduar.

I can see that since the OP is buried that enough people disagree with this being an issue, and for that I'm at least thankful that I'm not fighting a complete uphill battle in explaining it. ;)

