
you already cleared the instance?

Ok, so say you join a Mythic Raid and clear the first boss and leave, the rest of the raid clears up to the fourth boss and falls apart. You can then join a Mythic Raid starting at boss 5 then?world of Warcraft po

Plus, what about the rest of the raid group if they decide to finish up Mythic and you already cleared the instance? Are they SOL?

Or do you have to get back together with the same people that started in the raid at the beginning?


a good xp bonus would be great

I have a 90 follower that returned from a mission after the hotfix and still gained 0 XP. This may be because she started the mission before the fix, however. I'll let you know once she returns from her next mission.
instead of worrying about that make the game playable first no one can log in!!!!!! character not found then dc www.euwowgold.fr
Thank you for clearing that up :P

More lower missions required. :P

Even more lower group missions for a good xp bonus would be great


before the old forums shut down

    If you're asking if it's okay to get banned now because we might reset everything on the new site before the old forums shut down, I wouldn't suggest testing that. :)

lol, good that you headed that World of Warcraft Gold question off at the pass, or you would be having tons of posts to delete on the old forums. =D

Any idea of when this will be completely implemented? Or will it be around the time Cata goes live?


sure they can take those too

They can invade our cities and shatter our planet, but they can never take... OUR MAILBOXES!
No I'm pretty sure they can take those too.

*watches an air elemental make off with one*
Not everyone get to play the game every day..or wow or even for many hours a day..

not everyone plays the game 10 hours a day and sees the event 10 times a day.


you can have quick and instant travel

Portals are removed as we don't want you to have your hearth in an old city from an expansion you've outgrown just so you can have quick and instant travel anywhere you like. Those expansions had content that was far removed from things like auction houses and class trainers, and thus, contained portals. They were removed from those things because we didn't want the expansion content (which would hold the bulk of the playerbase) to in turn also remove them from the classic Azeroth world. wow po That's no longer the case. Cataclysm has content near your faction capitals, which have auction houses and class trainers.

And for new characters leveling, who will eventually hit Shattrath and Dalaran, they now have auction houses and class trainers in place of portals.

As soon as you can fly in Azeroth this really does cease to be an issue. It will not be much different than flying from Borean Tundra to Ulduar.

I can see that since the OP is buried that enough people disagree with this being an issue, and for that I'm at least thankful that I'm not fighting a complete uphill battle in explaining it. ;)


10 levels within the instance?

Should we assume that the actual average mob level is halfway between the numbers you listed? Or do mob levels really range 10 levels within the instance?

I hope it is the first,wow or because I do not look forward to the 'grey mobs at the start and yellow mobs at the end' problem that many old world instances suffered from not being fixed in the major revamp.


cities of one faction to another

I can respect that one might prefer the quests and cities of one faction to another, but it's not accurate to state that more effort and creativity went into their creation. It's especially a stretch to say that Horde quests are 'much more entertaining and interesting than anything on the Alliance side'. Feedback is both useful and desirable,po wow but for it to be truly useful, it helps if it's specific and constructive.

So, I would like to ask, which Alliance questlines and areas have you experienced so far? Which Horde questlines and areas have you adventured through? What were you favorites?


Mana is supposed to matter for healers

These hotfixes were intentional and we wanted to share more information about the "why" for you all here:

Mana is supposed to matter for healers, and in the case of Holy paladins, that just wasn’t happening. We were seeing raid groups attempting to learn new bosses where the other healers were out of mana while the paladins were still at 90% of mana. We also thought the acheter wow po experience of paladins healing harder heroic dungeons was inconsistent with that of other healers, or our design intent. We thought it was only a matter of time before groups started going out of their way to stack paladins for raids or recruit them for dungeon runs, which of course is not our intent. For this reason, we thought it was important to address this point now rather than sitting on it until a future patch.


I do miss playing with my friends

It would be awesome to allow the party leader to make everyone join his/ her phase.

It is not so simple acheter wow gold sometimes to "make sure that [players have] completed the same quests in a given zone."

I do miss playing with my friends.


No it's not perfect

It's really sad that so many people sit here and cry about not being able to log on. Yes you pay for it. No it's not perfect. No it never will be. With millions of lines of programming how can you expect anyone to keep everything working indefinitely? Stuff happens. World of Warcraft(EUR) Try doing something with your real friends. Go to a movie, study, play an instrument, etc...