
I'm glad the 10 vs 25m debates will end

I'm glad the 10 vs 25m debates will end in the next expansion. It's been an exhausting experience of wading through flamewar threads with little to no constructive criticism. One raid size is the best thing for the game imo. It gets me excited to want to raid again with a guild. I'm just wondering why not just have 20 across the board for all raids? Or are you leaving the raids outside of mythical as is for a transitional period? Or is mythical gonna be exclusive just to 20m? acheter wow gold


correct me if im wrong..someone

correct me if im wrong..someone...
World of Warcraft(EUR)
but theyre not getting rid of outland.. youre going BACK in time, to when outland was draenor. outland will still exist. you cant just X out an entire expansion of leveling and say oops. sorry bout you 60-70s.

outland and draenor will exist side by side, in that draenor will be within a time portal to the before. not to mention, that though there are 2 zones that share a same name. it is not the same map. since its a landmass floating in the nether, the zone has changed over time to what was now outland. the map isnt going to be verbatim what the outland map was now. a simple overlay of the two would reveal that.


actually you can min/max and still be individual

actually you can min/max and still be individual for example healing priests have a few different build paths all of which are viable and all of which have strengths and weaknesses sure for many specs there is really only 1 or 2 viable stat builds but if i want to go straight mastery as a ret paladin and do less dps but see bigger numbers should i be allowed to do so? or if i want to cast really really fast on my lock but mastery is better shouldn't i be allowed to play how i want to rather than how blizzard thinks i should? (something they wont be 100% right about all the time) wow gold


ty week first brian griffin

WoW what a !@#$ty week first brian griffin dies now ghostcrawler is leaving blizzard we all had our dislikes about him but in general he was and still is a great guy, wish I couldve met you in real life but nonetheless good luck in your future endeavors my friend!
Ps: thanks a lot about the holy priest thing now my wife wants to know what realm your on so she can bug you for tips

Pps: if you're going to work on everquest next give us a sign!!!!


maybe connect the dead ones together

Yes please connect some of the R/P servers, some of us, (like The Scryers) are listed as medium and it is a LIE we are D E AD ....
Can we please not get forgotten, others like MG and WRA are populated, we are not, so please maybe connect the dead ones together ???